How Much to Replace Key Honda Accord 2016

How Much to Replace Key Honda Accord 2016

As a proud owner of a Honda Accord 2016, you may be wondering about the cost of replacing your car key. Whether you’ve lost your key, it’s been damaged, or you simply need a spare key, it’s important to know the potential expenses involved. In this article, we will discuss the average cost of replacing a key for a Honda Accord 2016 and explore different factors that can affect the overall price.

Understanding the Importance of a Key

Before we dive into the costs, let’s take a moment to appreciate the role of a car key. Your Honda Accord 2016 key is not just a piece of metal or plastic; it’s the gateway to your vehicle. Without a functioning key, accessing and using your car becomes impossible. So, when you find yourself in a situation where you need to replace your key, it’s essential to understand the value it holds and the cost involved in obtaining a replacement.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Replacing a Key

The cost of replacing a key for a Honda Accord 2016 can vary depending on several factors. These factors include:

1. Type of Key

Honda Accord 2016 has both traditional keys and smart keys. Traditional keys are the standard keys that require manual turning in the ignition to start the car. On the other hand, smart keys have advanced features like keyless entry and push-button start. The type of key you need to replace will impact the overall cost.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to replace the smart key battery for a Honda Accord 2013-2016:

2. Key Programming

If you require a replacement smart key, it will need to be programmed to work with your specific Honda Accord 2016. Key programming ensures that only your key can start your car, adding an extra layer of security. However, this process can increase the overall cost of replacing your key.

3. Key Cutting

In the case of a traditional key, key cutting becomes necessary to match the grooves and patterns of your original key. This process ensures that the new key fits perfectly into the ignition and other locks of your Honda Accord 2016. Key cutting may incur additional costs depending on where you get it done.

4. Dealership vs. Third-Party Service

Another factor that can impact the cost is whether you choose to go to a dealership or opt for a third-party service. Dealerships tend to have higher labor and parts costs, which can drive up the overall price. On the other hand, third-party services may offer more competitive prices.

Average Cost of Replacing a Key Honda Accord 2016

Now that we have a better understanding of the factors that influence the cost, let’s talk about the average expenses you can expect when replacing a key for your Honda Accord 2016.

The cost of a traditional key replacement for a Honda Accord 2016 can range from $10 to $50. This estimate includes the price of the key blank, key cutting, and labor fees if you decide to go to a dealership.

For a smart key replacement, the cost can be significantly higher. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $300 for a replacement smart key for your Honda Accord 2016. This price includes the key blank, key cutting, key programming, and potential labor fees.

It’s important to note that these are just average estimates and the actual cost may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier. To get an accurate quote, it’s best to reach out to a reputable locksmith or your local Honda dealership.


Replacing a key for your Honda Accord 2016 is an investment in the security and convenience of your vehicle. The cost of replacement can vary based on factors such as the type of key, key programming, key cutting, and the service provider you choose. While traditional key replacements are generally more affordable, smart key replacements can be more costly due to their advanced features. It’s always a good idea to compare prices and services before making a decision.


1. Can I replace a Honda Accord 2016 key myself?

While it is possible to replace a Honda Accord 2016 key yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. Professional locksmiths or dealerships have the necessary tools and expertise to ensure a proper replacement without causing any damage to your vehicle.

2. Are there any alternatives to replacing a lost key?

If you’ve lost your Honda Accord 2016 key, you can contact a locksmith or your local Honda dealership. They may be able to provide you with alternative solutions such as rekeying the locks or programming a new key without replacing the entire key. This can help you save on costs while still maintaining the security of your vehicle.

3. How long does it take to replace a Honda Accord 2016 key?

The time it takes to replace a Honda Accord 2016 key can vary depending on the service provider and the type of key replacement needed. On average, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours to complete the replacement process.

4. Can I get a spare key for my Honda Accord 2016?

Absolutely! It is always a good idea to have a spare key for your Honda Accord 2016. Having a spare key can save you from potential lockouts and provide peace of mind. You can get a spare key from a locksmith or your local Honda dealership.

5. How can I prevent losing my Honda Accord 2016 key?

To prevent losing your Honda Accord 2016 key, it’s important to establish good habits. Consider using a keychain or lanyard to keep your key secure and easily visible. Additionally, designate a specific place at home where you always keep your key, such as a key hook or a drawer. Being mindful and proactive can go a long way in preventing key loss.

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