How to Clean a Pressure Washer Carburetor on a Honda: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Clean a Pressure Washer Carburetor on a Honda: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pressure washers are powerful tools that make cleaning outdoor surfaces a breeze. However, over time, the carburetor in a Honda pressure washer can become clogged with dirt, debris, or old fuel, leading to poor performance and potential damage to the engine. In this article, we will guide you through the process of cleaning the carburetor on your Honda pressure washer, ensuring that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

Tools and Materials You Will Need

Before we dive into the cleaning process, let’s gather the necessary tools and materials:

  • Safety goggles
  • Gloves
  • Clean cloth
  • Carburetor cleaner
  • Compressed air
  • Small wire brush
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Container for fuel drainage

Make sure you have all these items on hand before starting the carburetor cleaning process.

Step 1: Safety First

Before working on your pressure washer, it is important to prioritize safety. Start by ensuring that the engine is turned off and that the pressure washer is cool. Put on safety goggles and gloves to protect your eyes and hands from any potential hazards during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Remove the Air Filter Cover

The air filter cover is typically located on the side or top of the pressure washer engine. Use a screwdriver to remove the screws or clips that hold the cover in place. Once the cover is removed, set it aside in a safe place.

Step 3: Remove the Air Filter

After removing the air filter cover, you will find the air filter inside. Gently pull out the air filter and inspect it for any signs of damage or excessive dirt. If the air filter is dirty, it is recommended to clean or replace it. A clean air filter ensures proper airflow to the carburetor, improving engine performance.

Step 4: Drain the Fuel

Before proceeding, it is crucial to drain the fuel from the pressure washer to prevent any accidental spills or combustion. Place a container under the fuel tank and carefully remove the fuel line from the carburetor. Allow the fuel to drain completely into the container and dispose of it properly according to local regulations.

Step 5: Remove the Carburetor

Now that the fuel is drained, you can proceed with removing the carburetor. Start by disconnecting the throttle linkage and choke linkage from the carburetor. Use needle-nose pliers, if necessary, to gently detach any connectors or clips. Next, locate the bolts or screws that hold the carburetor in place and remove them using a screwdriver.

Step 6: Clean the Carburetor Exterior

With the carburetor removed from the pressure washer, take a clean cloth and wipe away any dirt or grime from the exterior. This will make it easier to identify any areas that require further cleaning.

Step 7: Clean the Carburetor Interior

Now, it’s time to clean the interior of the carburetor. Start by spraying carburetor cleaner into all the openings, including the fuel inlet and outlet. This will help dissolve any built-up deposits and varnish. Use a small wire brush to gently scrub the surfaces inside the carburetor, paying close attention to the jets and passages.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to clean and install a carburetor on a Honda engine:

Step 8: Rinse and Repeat

After scrubbing the interior, rinse the carburetor with clean water to remove any remaining cleaner and debris. Ensure that all the passages and jets are clear by using compressed air to blow out any residue. Repeat this process until the carburetor is clean and free of any blockages.

Step 9: Reassemble the Carburetor

Once the carburetor is thoroughly cleaned, it’s time to reassemble it. Start by carefully aligning the carburetor with the mounting holes on the engine. Insert and tighten the bolts or screws to secure the carburetor in place. Reconnect the throttle linkage and choke linkage, ensuring they are properly attached.

Step 10: Reinstall the Air Filter

Before replacing the air filter, make sure it is clean and free of debris. Insert the air filter back into its housing, ensuring it fits snugly. Place the air filter cover back on and secure it with the screws or clips you removed earlier.

Step 11: Refill with Clean Fuel

Now that the carburetor is clean and the air filter is in place, it’s time to refill the fuel tank with clean, fresh fuel. Use fuel that is recommended for your specific Honda pressure washer model, as indicated in the owner’s manual. Avoid using old or stale fuel, as it can lead to performance issues.

Step 12: Test the Pressure Washer

With everything back in order, it’s time to test your pressure washer. Start the engine and allow it to run for a few minutes to ensure that it is running smoothly. Check for any leaks or abnormal sounds. If everything looks and sounds good, you’re ready to put your pressure washer to work!


Cleaning the carburetor on your Honda pressure washer is a relatively simple process that can greatly improve the performance and longevity of your machine. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can confidently clean the carburetor and ensure that your pressure washer continues to deliver powerful cleaning performance for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How often should I clean the carburetor on my Honda pressure washer?

A: It is recommended to clean the carburetor on your Honda pressure washer at least once a year or whenever you notice a decrease in performance.

Q: Can I use any carburetor cleaner for cleaning my pressure washer carburetor?

A: It is best to use a carburetor cleaner that is specifically designed for small engines like those found in pressure washers. These cleaners are formulated to effectively remove varnish, deposits, and other contaminants without damaging the carburetor components.

Q: What should I do if my pressure washer engine still has performance issues after cleaning the carburetor?

A: If your pressure washer engine continues to have performance issues even after cleaning the carburetor, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance. There could be other underlying problems that require expert diagnosis and repair.

Q: Can I clean the carburetor without removing it from the pressure washer?

A: While it is possible to clean some parts of the carburetor without removing it, it is generally recommended to remove the carburetor for a thorough cleaning. This allows better access to all the components and ensures a more effective cleaning process.

Q: Are there any preventive measures I can take to avoid carburetor issues in my Honda pressure washer?

A: Yes, there are a few preventive measures you can take to avoid carburetor issues. Always use clean and fresh fuel, avoid letting fuel sit in the pressure washer for extended periods, and regularly inspect and clean the air filter. Additionally, following the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule and guidelines can help prevent carburetor problems.

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