How to Put Windshield Wipers on Honda Civic: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Put Windshield Wipers on Honda Civic: A Step-by-Step Guide

Keeping your windshield clear and free from dirt, rain, or snow is crucial for safe driving. One of the key components responsible for maintaining clear visibility is the windshield wipers. Over time, wiper blades wear out and need to be replaced. If you own a Honda Civic and are wondering how to put windshield wipers on, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the process step-by-step, ensuring that you can replace your wiper blades with ease.

Why Should You Replace Windshield Wipers on Your Honda Civic?

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s first understand why it’s essential to replace windshield wipers on your Honda Civic. Over time, wiper blades can become worn, cracked, or torn due to regular use and exposure to the elements. As a result, they become less effective in clearing your windshield, leading to reduced visibility and potentially endangering your safety on the road.

Replacing your windshield wipers at the first signs of deterioration is crucial to ensure optimal performance. It’s recommended to change them every six months to a year or as soon as you notice any of the following signs:

  • Streaking or smearing on the windshield
  • Squeaking or chattering noises during operation
  • Torn or cracked rubber blades
  • Incomplete clearing of the windshield
  • Uneven pressure distribution on the glass

Now that we understand the importance of replacing windshield wipers, let’s proceed with the step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Purchase the Correct Windshield Wiper Blades

The first step is to ensure you have the correct windshield wiper blades for your Honda Civic. Wiper blades come in different sizes, and it’s essential to choose the right ones that fit your specific vehicle model and year. Consult your Honda Civic owner’s manual or use an online compatibility tool to find the correct blade size for your particular vehicle.

Step 2: Position the Wiper Arms Upwards

Before you start removing the old wiper blades, it’s crucial to position the wiper arms properly. Lift the wiper arms away from the windshield until they are perpendicular to the glass. This position allows for easier access to the wiper blades and prevents the arms from accidentally snapping back onto the windshield, potentially causing damage.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to replace wiper blades on a Honda Civic:

Step 3: Remove the Old Wiper Blades

With the wiper arms positioned upwards, you can now proceed to remove the old wiper blades. Each wiper blade has a small plastic tab or latch that holds it in place. Locate this tab near the connection point of the wiper arm and the blade. Depress or lift the tab, depending on the design, to release the blade from the arm. As you do this, gently pull the blade away from the arm to detach it completely.

Step 4: Prepare the New Wiper Blades

Now that you have removed the old wiper blades, it’s time to prepare the new ones. Take the new blades out of their packaging and familiarize yourself with their design. Most wiper blades come with a pre-attached adapter that allows them to fit different wiper arm styles. Ensure the adapter matches the one on your Honda Civic.

Some wiper blades may require you to attach the adapter manually. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to do so correctly. Once the adapter is attached, ensure the new wiper blades are ready for installation.

Step 5: Install the New Wiper Blades

Align the new wiper blade with the wiper arm, making sure the adapter fits securely. Slide the blade into the arm until you hear or feel a click, indicating that it is properly attached. Give it a gentle tug to ensure it is secure and won’t come loose during operation.

Repeat this process for the other wiper blade on the opposite side of the windshield. Once both blades are securely installed, carefully lower the wiper arms back onto the windshield. Ensure they are in the correct position and not resting on the glass improperly.

Step 6: Test the New Wiper Blades

Now that you have successfully installed the new wiper blades on your Honda Civic, it’s time to test them. Turn on your wipers and observe their movement across the windshield. Check for smooth operation, even pressure distribution, and complete clearing of the glass surface. If everything looks and sounds good, congratulations – you’ve successfully replaced your windshield wipers!


Replacing the windshield wipers on your Honda Civic is a simple task that can greatly improve your driving experience and safety on the road. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can confidently replace your wiper blades without any hassle. Remember to choose the correct blades, position the wiper arms properly, and install the new blades securely. Regularly inspect and replace your wiper blades to ensure clear visibility during inclement weather conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How often should I replace the windshield wipers on my Honda Civic?

It is recommended to replace your windshield wipers every six months to a year or as soon as you notice signs of deterioration. Regularly inspecting and replacing your wiper blades ensures optimal performance and clear visibility.

2. Can I use any windshield wiper blades on my Honda Civic?

No, it’s important to choose the correct windshield wiper blades that are compatible with your Honda Civic model and year. Consult your owner’s manual or use an online compatibility tool to find the appropriate blade size for your specific vehicle.

3. How do I know if my windshield wipers need to be replaced?

There are several signs that indicate it’s time to replace your windshield wipers: streaking or smearing on the windshield, squeaking or chattering noises during operation, torn or cracked rubber blades, incomplete clearing of the windshield, and uneven pressure distribution on the glass.

4. Can I replace the windshield wipers on my Honda Civic myself?

Absolutely! Replacing the windshield wipers on your Honda Civic is a simple DIY task that can be easily done at home. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can confidently replace your wiper blades without any professional assistance.

5. What if my windshield wipers are still not working properly after replacement?

If your newly installed windshield wipers are not working properly, ensure they are securely attached to the wiper arms. Double-check the installation and alignment of the blades. If the issue persists, it is recommended to consult a professional for further inspection and assistance.

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