How to Replace Spark Plugs in a Honda Accord ’90

How to Replace Spark Plugs in a Honda Accord ’90

Is your Honda Accord ’90 not running as smoothly as it used to? One of the possible reasons could be worn-out spark plugs. Spark plugs play a crucial role in the ignition process of your vehicle, and replacing them regularly can help maintain optimal engine performance. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of replacing spark plugs in a Honda Accord ’90, so you can get your car running smoothly again.

What You Will Need

Before we dive into the process, let’s gather all the necessary tools and materials you will need:

  • New spark plugs (make sure to get the correct ones for your Honda Accord ’90)
  • Spark plug socket wrench
  • Spark plug socket extension
  • Gap gauge
  • Dielectric grease
  • Torque wrench
  • Anti-seize compound (optional, but recommended)

Step 1: Preparation

Start by ensuring that your Honda Accord ’90 is parked on a flat surface and the engine is completely cooled down. Open the hood and locate the spark plug wires. The spark plug wires are usually attached to the top of the engine and connected to each spark plug. Carefully disconnect the wires from the spark plugs by gently pulling on the boot, not the wire itself. It’s a good idea to mark each wire to avoid mixing them up later.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates the process of removing spark plug wires in a Honda Accord ’90:

Step 2: Removing the Old Spark Plugs

Now that the spark plug wires are disconnected, it’s time to remove the old spark plugs. Use a spark plug socket wrench with a spark plug socket extension to reach the spark plugs. Insert the socket onto the spark plug and turn it counterclockwise to loosen and remove the old spark plug. Repeat this process for each spark plug.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to remove the old spark plugs in a Honda Accord ’90:

Step 3: Inspecting and Gapping the New Spark Plugs

Before installing the new spark plugs, it’s essential to inspect them and ensure they are properly gapped. The gap refers to the distance between the center and ground electrode of the spark plug. Follow the manufacturer’s specifications for the correct gap size. Use a gap gauge to measure the gap of each new spark plug, and adjust it if necessary. It’s crucial to have the correct gap size for optimal engine performance.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to gap new spark plugs:

Step 4: Installing the New Spark Plugs

Once you have inspected and gapped the new spark plugs, it’s time to install them. Apply a thin layer of dielectric grease to the inside of the spark plug boot. This will help with future removal and prevent moisture from entering the boot. Carefully insert the new spark plug into the spark plug socket and hand-tighten it into the engine cylinder. Be cautious not to cross-thread the spark plug. Once hand-tightened, use a torque wrench to tighten the spark plug to the manufacturer’s specifications. Repeat this process for each spark plug.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to install new spark plugs in a Honda Accord ’90:

Step 5: Reconnecting the Spark Plug Wires

With the new spark plugs securely installed, it’s time to reconnect the spark plug wires. Match each wire to the corresponding spark plug and push the boot firmly onto the spark plug until you hear a click or feel it snap into place. Make sure each wire is securely connected and in the correct order, as marked earlier. Take your time to avoid damaging the wires or accidentally mixing them up.

Here’s a YouTube video that demonstrates how to reconnect spark plug wires in a Honda Accord ’90:

Step 6: Finishing Touches

After reconnecting the spark plug wires, close the hood of your Honda Accord ’90. Start the engine and listen for any irregularities. If the engine runs smoothly and you don’t notice any issues, congratulations! You have successfully replaced the spark plugs in your Honda Accord ’90. Regularly inspecting and replacing spark plugs can help maintain the performance and fuel efficiency of your vehicle.


Replacing the spark plugs in a Honda Accord ’90 is a relatively simple task that can significantly improve your car’s performance. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article and utilizing the YouTube video tutorials provided, you can confidently take on this home improvement project without any professional help. Remember to always use the correct tools and materials, follow the manufacturer’s specifications, and take your time to ensure a successful spark plug replacement.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How often should I replace the spark plugs in my Honda Accord ’90?

A1: It is recommended to replace the spark plugs in your Honda Accord ’90 every 30,000 to 50,000 miles or as specified in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.

Q2: What happens if I don’t replace the spark plugs in my Honda Accord ’90?

A2: If you don’t replace the spark plugs in your Honda Accord ’90, they can become worn-out and affect the engine’s performance. This can lead to decreased fuel efficiency, rough idling, misfires, and overall poor engine operation.

Q3: Can I use any spark plugs for my Honda Accord ’90?

A3: No, it’s essential to use the correct spark plugs that are recommended for your Honda Accord ’90. Using the wrong spark plugs can lead to poor engine performance and potential damage.

Q4: Can I replace the spark plugs in my Honda Accord ’90 myself, or should I take it to a professional?

A4: You can replace the spark plugs in your Honda Accord ’90 yourself by following the step-by-step guide provided in this article. It is a relatively simple task, and with the right tools and instructions, you can confidently complete the replacement at home.

Q5: Are there any additional maintenance tasks I should perform while replacing the spark plugs in my Honda Accord ’90?

A5: While replacing the spark plugs, it’s a good idea to inspect the spark plug wires for any signs of damage or wear. If necessary, consider replacing the wires as well. Additionally, check the ignition coil for any visible issues and clean any debris or dirt around the spark plug area.

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